Miracle League baseball began in Georgia in 1998, when the Rockdale Youth Baseball Association decided to invite children with disabilities to play baseball on a typical baseball field at the youth baseball complex. That first season, on a grass and dirt field, 140 players came out to play baseball and the miracle began!
It was decided that very first season how the game would be played:
- Every Player gets to bat once each inning
- Players may have a “Buddy” who is there to assist them and to cheer them on!
- Every Player runs the bases and is always called “safe”.
- Every Player rounds the bases and gets to score a run each inning
- The last Player in the line-up gets a home run!
It’s really all about the Kids!
The National Miracle League Organization grew from this beginning, with the goal to offer this experience to every city in the country so children, young-adults, and adults with special needs around the globe will have this same opportunity to play baseball.